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A User's Guide to Cheating Death

A User's Guide to Cheating Death is a provocative exploration of controversial health practices and the desperate lengths some go to alter their bodies.

Keywords: Controversial Procedures, Ancient Therapies, Body Alteration, Desperation, Health, Diets.
Three words: Provocative, Insightful, Documentary.


'A User's Guide to Cheating Death' is a documentary series released in 2016. The series delves into controversial procedures, diets, and ancient therapies that individuals are increasingly turning to in their desperate attempts to drastically change their bodies.


This documentary series is an exploration of the extreme lengths some people are willing to go to alter their bodies and cheat death. It examines a variety of controversial procedures, diets, and revived ancient therapies. It raises questions about the limits of medical science and the implications of these procedures on society and individual health.

More Film Analysis


The documentary series is marked by its in-depth research into controversial health practices. It takes a balanced approach, highlighting both the potential benefits and risks associated with these procedures. The series does not shy away from the ethical and societal implications of these practices.

Historical and Factual Context

The documentary explores the history and revival of ancient therapies, shedding light on their cultural origins and relevance today. It also delves into the scientific research behind the latest diet trends and medical procedures.

Key themes in the film

  • The desperation to alter one's body and prolong life
  • Controversial medical procedures and diets
  • The revival of ancient therapies
  • Ethical and societal implications of extreme body modification

Film Comparisons

This documentary can be compared to other health-focused documentaries like "The Bleeding Edge" for its exploration of the controversial aspects of the medical industry.

Noteworthy Moments

Key moments in the series include interviews with individuals who have undergone these extreme procedures and the revealing exploration of the science behind these controversial practices.


Critics have praised this documentary for its brave exploration of controversial health practices. One reviewer noted, "This documentary is a provocative and enlightening exploration of the lengths people will go to cheat death."


'A User's Guide to Cheating Death' is an important watch for anyone interested in health, wellness, and the implications and ethics of medical advances. It provides an eye-opening look at the controversial practices people are resorting to in their quest for a better body and longer life.

More film information:


  • IMDB score: 7.6
  • Rotten Tomatoes score: N/A
  • Metacritic score: N/A
  • Film festival awards: 1 nomination


  • The series does not focus on specific personalities but rather explores the experiences of various individuals who have opted for controversial health practices.


  • The documentary spans various locations, reflecting the global interest in these controversial practices.

Key Questions Raised by the Film:

  • What drives individuals to opt for such extreme measures to alter their bodies?
  • What are the ethical implications of these controversial health practices?
  • How can society balance the pursuit of health and longevity with the risks associated with these practices?

I wonder what the film would be in another art form

  1. If this film was a famous book, it would be "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley because of its exploration of the implications of scientific advancements.
  2. If this film was a famous song, it would be "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, reflecting the determination of individuals to cheat death.
  3. If this film was a famous piece of art, it would be "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali, symbolizing the human desire to manipulate time and mortality.
  4. If this film was a famous celebrity, it would be Elon Musk, known for pushing the boundaries of what's possible.
  5. If this film was a color, it would be grey, symbolizing the moral ambiguity of these practices.
  6. If this film was a music style, it would be techno, known for its futuristic and artificial sounds.

