Exploring Eating Animals, narrated by Natalie Portman

Keywords: Documentary, food industry, dietary choices, animal rights, environment, Jonathan Safran Foer, Christopher Dillon Quinn. Three words: Eye-opening, Informative, Provocative


"Eating Animals", directed by Christopher Dillon Quinn and released in 2018, is a compelling documentary that explores our dietary choices and the food we put in our bodies. Based on Jonathan Safran Foer's memoir, the film provides a deep examination of our relationship with the food industry.


The documentary provides a detailed analysis of our eating habits, focusing particularly on the consumption of meat and animal products. It investigates the environmental, ethical, and health implications of these choices, highlighting the consequences of factory farming and mass production of animal products.

More Film Analysis


"Eating Animals" adopts an investigative approach, combining personal narratives, expert interviews, and shocking footage to provide a comprehensive exploration of its subject. Its depth of research and ability to present complex issues in an accessible manner make it a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the food they consume.

Historical and Factual Context

The film provides a historical overview of the food industry, tracing the evolution of farming practices from small-scale, sustainable methods to today's industrialized, mass production systems. This context helps viewers understand the scale and implications of the issues discussed.

Key themes in the film

  • Ethical implications of our dietary choices
  • Environmental impact of factory farming
  • Health consequences of consuming animal products
  • The power of consumer choices

Film Comparisons

"Eating Animals" can be compared to documentaries like "Food, Inc." and "Cowspiracy" in its critical examination of the food industry. However, its personal approach and focus on ethical implications distinguishes it from these films.

Noteworthy Moments

One of the most significant moments in the documentary is the revealing footage of factory farming practices, which provides a stark contrast to the idyllic images often associated with farming.


This documentary was well-received by audiences and critics alike. The New York Times lauded it as a "wake-up call to consumers", while Variety praised its "powerful, persuasive arguments".


"Eating Animals" is a critical examination of our dietary choices and their far-reaching implications. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the food they consume and making more informed choices.

More film information:


  • IMDB score: 7.4
  • Rotten Tomatoes score: N/A
  • Metacritic score: N/A
  • Film festival awards: N/A



  • Christopher Dillon Quinn: Director
  • Jonathan Safran Foer: Author of the memoir on which the film is based



  • Various farms and factories across the United States

Key Questions Raised by the Film:

  • What are the ethical implications of our dietary choices?
  • How does factory farming impact the environment?
  • How do our dietary choices affect our health?
  • What power do consumers have in shaping the food industry?

I wonder what the film would be in another art form

  1. If this film was a famous book, which one would it be? "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan, because it also critically examines our dietary choices and their implications.
  2. If this film was a famous song, which one would it be? "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson, as it also addresses environmental issues.
  3. If this film was a famous piece of art, which one would it be? "The Scream" by Edvard Munch, as it symbolizes the silent cry of animals in modern farming.
  4. If this film was a famous celebrity, who would it be? Leonardo DiCaprio, a well-known environmental activist.
  5. If this film was a color, which one would it be? Green, symbolizing the environment and sustainability.
  6. If this film was a music style, which one would it be? Protest songs, as they are often used to highlight societal issues.