Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War - Exploring Wildlife Crime

Keywords: Rhino, Poaching, Wildlife Crime, Conservation, Investigative Documentary, South Africa, Vietnam, China


"Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War" is a 2018 documentary directed by Susan Scott. It presents a daring exploration of the dramatic rise in rhino poaching, a pressing issue in today's wildlife conservation efforts. The film follows two first-time filmmakers who halt their lives to delve into the reason behind the ruthless killing of rhinos for their horns.


The documentary provides an in-depth look at the illegal rhino horn trade, highlighting the perilous journey of two women who, over six months, find themselves entangled in a world of greed, corruption, and danger. This journey takes them from the frontlines of rhino poaching in South Africa to the underground trafficking in Asia.

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"Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War" is an investigative documentary, with elements of participatory filmmaking. The film is well-researched, deeply exploring the issue at hand. It presents an engaging narrative style and a profound sense of urgency that keeps the viewers hooked.

Historical and Factual Context:

Rhino poaching has escalated in recent years due to the high demand for rhino horns in Asian markets, particularly Vietnam and China, where they are used in traditional medicine and as status symbols.

Key themes in the film:

  • The urgency of wildlife conservation.
  • The devastating consequences of human greed.
  • The courage to fight against wildlife crime

Film Comparisons:

Compared to other documentaries on iWonder, "Stroop" offers a unique, more personal perspective on wildlife crime.

Noteworthy Moments:

A particularly impactful moment is when the filmmakers come face-to-face with a poached rhino, highlighting the brutal reality of this illicit trade.


With an IMDB score of 8.6 and 19 wins & 8 nominations, the documentary has received critical acclaim for its daring investigation and compelling storytelling.


"Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War" is a must-watch for anyone interested in wildlife conservation and crime. It not only enlightens viewers about the alarming issue of rhino poaching but also inspires action.

Watch Stroop: Journey into the Rhino Horn War - Streaming Online | iwonder (Free Trial)
A 4-year investigation into South Africa’s rhino poaching crisis involved looking into dangerous criminal networks, and alongside the rangers in these sanctuaries the filmmakers move directly into the firing line. Then to Asia where Stroop asks whether there’s any basis to the horn’s popularity as a…

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IMDB: 8.6
Awards: 19 wins & 8 nominations: South African Film and TV Awards, Wildscreen Festival, Impact Docs Awards, Riviera International Film Festival, San Francisco Green Film Festival

Bonné de Bod: An award-winning television presenter in South Africa.
Susan Scott: A filmmaker and editor with over a decade of experience in wildlife television.

South Africa: The frontlines of rhino poaching.
Vietnam and China: The underground markets for rhino horn trade.

Links for further exploration

Key Questions Raised by the Film:

What drives the demand for rhino horns?

How can the global community effectively curb wildlife crime?

I wonder what the film would be in another art form:

Book: "The Poacher's Moon" by Richard Peirce - both delve into the world of poaching, though from different perspectives.

Song: "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson - both call for conservation and respect for nature.

Art: "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali - both depict a harsh reality that is often ignored.

Celebrity: Leonardo DiCaprio - both are advocates for wildlife conservation.

Colour: Green - representing nature, wildlife, and the need for conservation.

Music Style: Dramatic symphony - both evoke strong emotions and carry a serious message.