The Daughter Tree: A Tale of Gender Injustice in India

Keywords: , India, Gender Discrimination, Female Foeticide, Social Change, Documentary, The Daughter Tree. Three words: , Provocative, Challenging, Enlightening.


"The Daughter Tree" is a thought-provoking documentary directed by Rama Rau, released in 2019. The film unravels the story of Neelam Bala, a midwife and activist in India, who stands against the deeply entrenched preference for male children leading to the abortion of thousands of female fetuses every year. In a world striving for gender equality, this documentary offers a stark reminder of the grim reality in many parts of the globe.


The documentary delves into the heart of India, where a cultural preference for boys over girls has resulted in a stark gender imbalance. Through the eyes of Neelam Bala, we explore this harsh reality and the relentless fight against such gender-based injustice.

More Film Analysis



The documentary takes an investigative and participatory approach, providing firsthand insights into the situation. The research is thorough, and the film presents an in-depth exploration of the subject. The presentation style is both engaging and poignant.

Historical and Factual Context


The preference for male children in India is historically and culturally embedded, fueled by factors like dowry and patrilocal residence. This has led to a skewed sex ratio and numerous social issues.

Key themes in the film

• Gender Discrimination: The film highlights the deeply rooted gender bias in Indian society.
• Female Empowerment: It underscores the need for empowering women and valuing their existence.
• Social Change: The documentary calls for societal change and challenges longstanding cultural norms.

Film Comparisons

Unlike other documentaries on iWonder that focus on India's vibrant culture and history, "The Daughter Tree" lays bare a dark and troubling aspect of its society.

Noteworthy Moments

One significant moment in the film is when a village plants a 'Daughter Tree' every time a girl child is born, symbolizing hope and change.


Audiences and critics alike commend the documentary for its poignant depiction of a pressing issue.


"The Daughter Tree" is a vital watch for those interested in gender issues and social change. Its deep exploration into the subject is both enlightening and heart-wrenching.

More film information:


• IMDB Score: 6.8
• Rotten Tomatoes Score: Not Available
• Metacritic Score: Not Available
• Film Festival Awards: Not Available



• Neelam Bala - A midwife and activist fighting against gender injustice in India.



• Rural India - Where the documentary unfolds.

Key Questions Raised by the Film

• How can societal norms and biases be challenged and changed?
• What are the long-term implications of a skewed gender ratio?

• Gender Discrimination in India:

I wonder what the film would be in another art form

  1. A famous book, which one would it be? "Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide" because it highlights the plight of women and girls around the world.
  2. A famous song? "Run the World (Girls)" by Beyoncé, as it symbolizes female empowerment.
  3. A famous piece of art? "The Two Fridas" by Frida Kahlo, representing women's struggle and resilience.
  4. A famous celebrity? Malala Yousafzai, as she is a symbol of the fight against gender injustice.
  5. A color? Red, symbolizing danger but also courage and change.
  6. A music style? Folk, as it often tells stories of struggle and resistance.