The Unseen Realities of Prison Life: A Review of 'How to Prepare for Prison'

Keywords: Prison, Criminal Justice System, Incarceration, Social Justice, Documentary, Human Stories, Resilience. Three words: Eye-opening, Intimate, Impactful


"How to Prepare for Prison" is a gripping documentary directed by Matt Gallagher and released in 2016. The film provides an intimate look into the lives and states of mind of three individuals who are about to experience prison for the first time. In an era where prison reform and the justice system are topics of heated debate, this documentary offers a unique perspective on the human impact of imprisonment.


"How to Prepare for Prison" focuses on the personal journeys of three individuals, each with vastly different backgrounds, who are facing the daunting prospect of serving prison sentences for the first time. It provides a raw and unfiltered look at their fears, hopes, and preparations as they navigate the complex legal system and brace themselves for life behind bars.

More Film Analysis


The documentary takes a participatory approach, with the director closely following the subjects to offer viewers an intimate look into their lives. The research is thorough, presenting a nuanced perspective on the personal costs of the criminal justice system. The depth of the subject exploration and the presentation style are compelling, making the documentary a powerful viewing experience.

Historical and Factual Context

The documentary takes place in the context of a justice system that sees high rates of incarceration, making it a relevant and timely exploration of the personal consequences of imprisonment.

Key themes in the film

  • The human cost of the criminal justice system
  • The fear and uncertainty of facing prison for the first time
  • The impact of imprisonment on individuals and families

Film Comparisons

Unlike other documentaries on iWonder, "How to Prepare for Prison" focuses on the individual's journey towards incarceration, providing a unique and personal perspective on the prison experience.

Noteworthy Moments

Moments of revelation in the documentary include the subjects' reflections on their impending prison sentences and their interactions with family members, highlighting the emotional toll of incarceration.


The documentary has received praise for its intimate portrayal of the subjects and its critical look at the criminal justice system.


"How to Prepare for Prison" is a vital contribution to the discourse surrounding the prison system. It is recommended viewing for anyone interested in social justice, criminal law, or human stories of resilience.

More film information:


  • IMDB score: 5.8
  • Nominations: 1



  • Joe, a businessman facing a prison sentence
  • Charles, a young man caught in the criminal justice system
  • Courtenay, a woman preparing for her sentence



  • The subjects' homes
  • The courtrooms
  • The prisons

Key Questions Raised by the Film

  1. What are the personal costs of incarceration?
  2. How does the fear of prison impact individuals and their families?
  3. How can the justice system better support individuals facing prison for the first time?

I wonder what the film would be in another art form

  1. If this film was a famous book, it would be "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander because it explores the human cost of the criminal justice system.
  2. If it was a famous song, it would be "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash for its raw portrayal of prison life.
  3. If it was a famous piece of art, it would be "The Prisoner" by Vladimir Makovsky due to its depiction of isolation and despair.
  4. If it was a famous celebrity, it would be Bryan Stevenson for his work on criminal justice reform.
  5. If it was a colour, it would be grey for its depiction of the bleak reality of prison life.
  6. If it was a music style, it would be blues for its themes of hardship and resilience.

Watch How To Prepare For Prison - Streaming Online | iwonder (Free Trial)
An intimate look at the lives and states of mind of three vastly-different individuals who face the daunting prospect of serving prison sentences for the very first time.