Unearthing America's Past

Keywords: American history, racial inequality, systemic racism, slavery, Confederate America, self-discovery, education. Three words: revealing, educational, compelling


'A Moral Debt: The Legacy of Slavery in the USA' is a potent documentary directed by Femi Oke and released in 2018. The film dives into the deep and murky waters of America's past, exploring the legacy of Confederate America and its enduring impact on modern society.


The documentary undertakes a journey of self-discovery and education, offering a comprehensive examination of America's history from the Confederate era to the present day. It unearths the systemic racism entrenched in society and investigates the continuing racial inequality that stems from this historical legacy.

More Film Analysis


'A Moral Debt: The Legacy of Slavery in the USA' adopts an explorative and narrative-driven approach. The depth of research and exploration of the subject matter is both thorough and impactful, shedding light on the dark chapters of American history that continue to shape its present.

Historical and Factual Context

The documentary provides a well-rounded historical context, detailing the rise of the Confederate America, the institution of slavery, and its aftermath. It also delves into the systemic racism that persists in contemporary American society, a direct consequence of this history.

Key themes in the film

  • The legacy of slavery in America
  • Systemic racism and racial inequality
  • The impact of Confederate America on modern society

Film Comparisons

This documentary bears comparison to films like '13th' and 'I Am Not Your Negro', which also explore race relations and the history of racial injustice in America. However, 'A Moral Debt...' distinguishes itself with its focus on self-discovery and education, providing a personalized perspective on the issues.

Noteworthy Moments

The film's exploration of the legacy of Confederate America and its modern-day ramifications is particularly striking. Its examination of systemic racism offers significant revelations about the depth of racial inequality in America.


This documentary has been praised for its unflinching examination of America's past. Critics have lauded its comprehensive research and educational approach, with one stating, "It's a sobering look at the country's history that leaves a lasting impact."


'A Moral Debt: The Legacy of Slavery in the USA' is a crucial watch for anyone interested in understanding the roots of America's racial disparities. Its educational and self-reflective approach makes it particularly relevant for educators, students, and history buffs.

More film information:


  • IMDB score: N/A
  • Rotten Tomatoes score: N/A
  • Metacritic score: N/A
  • Film festival awards: N/A



  • Femi Oke: Journalist and presenter



  • Various locations across the United States

Key Questions Raised by the Film:

  • How has the legacy of slavery and Confederate America shaped modern society?
  • What are the manifestations of systemic racism in contemporary America?
  • How can education and self-discovery help address these issues?

I wonder what the film would be in another art form

  1. If this film was a famous book, which one would it be? 'Roots' by Alex Haley, for its exploration of slavery in America.
  2. If this film was a famous song, which one would it be? 'Strange Fruit' by Billie Holiday, for its haunting depiction of racial violence.
  3. If this film was a famous piece of art, which one would it be? 'The Problem We All Live With' by Norman Rockwell, for its portrayal of racial segregation.
  4. If this film was a famous celebrity, who would it be? Maya Angelou, for her powerful voice on racial injustice.
  5. If this film was a color, which one would it be? Black, for its exploration of the African-American experience and struggle.
  6. If this film was a music style, which one would it be? Blues, for its historical roots in African-American communities and its expression of pain and struggle.