Keywords: Amazon, environmental activism, media, conservation, truth, complexity
A River Below, directed by Mark Grieco, was released in 2017. This documentary film presents the Amazon and its intricacies while examining the actions of environmental activists in an era where truth can be a matter of perspective. With the current environmental crisis, the relevance and significance of the Amazon's preservation become even more pressing.
A River Below takes the audience on a thought-provoking journey into the Amazon, exploring the actions of environmental activists who utilise media for their cause. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are confronted with the complexities of conservation in a world where truth is not always black and white.
More film analysis
The documentary employs an investigative approach, probing the actions and motivations of environmental activists. The research is thorough, offering a deep exploration of the subject. Grieco's presentation style is engaging, drawing viewers into the unfolding drama.
Historical and Factual Context:
Understanding the Amazon's role in global climate regulation is key to appreciating this documentary. The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the planet's lungs, plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle, helping to regulate global climate patterns.
Key themes of the film:
- The complex nature of environmental conservation
- The impact and use of media in activism
- The subjective nature of truth in our contemporary society
Film Comparisons:
While other documentaries on iWonder also tackle environmental issues, A River Below takes a unique stance by focusing on the role of media in environmental activism.
Noteworthy Moments:
The documentary features several enlightening moments, including revealing interviews with activists who expose the challenges and dilemmas they face in their conservation efforts.
With an IMDB score of 7.2, A River Below was well received by audiences and critics alike. Particular praise was given to its thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of environmental activism.
A River Below offers a unique and thought-provoking exploration of environmental activism and the complexities of conservation efforts. If you're interested in environmental issues or the role of media in activism, this documentary is a must-watch.

More film information:
Awards: 3 win & 5 nominations: Tribeca Film Festival, Sheffield International Documentary Festival, Camden International Film Festival, Zurich Film Festival
Mark Grieco: Director known for his investigative documentaries.
Richard Rasmussen: A renowned biologist and television personality featured in the film.
The Amazon rainforest, Brazil: The location of the documentary.
Links for further exploration
1. Amazon Rainforest - Wikipedia:
2. The Role of the Amazon Rainforest in Climate Change - Yale Environment Review:
Key Questions Raised by the Film:
What are the complexities involved in Amazon conservation?
I wonder what the film would be in another art form :

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson - if it was a famous book, as both explore environmental issues and the complexities of activism.
"Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell - if it was a famous song, for its environmental message.
"The Jungle" by Wifredo Lam - if it was a famous piece of art, symbolizing the untamed nature of the Amazon.
Leonardo DiCaprio - if it was a famous celebrity, known for his environmental activism.
Green - if it was a colour, representing nature and the environment.
Classical - if it was a music style, for its depth and complexity.