Who will go nuclear next? Is what the Economist magazine is asking as their front cover story. Let us dive into some of these key stories and see what iwonder documentaries can perhaps give some context behind the main news headlines.
Selected Economist magazine top news stories this week:

Selected iwonder documentaries aiming to give some context to the main topics
Nuclear Requiem
89 min • Politics & World Affairs, History • 2017

Recent international developments are increasing concerns about the possibility of a nuclear confrontation. That concern led the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in early 2017 to move its famous Doomsday Clock to 2 1/2 minutes before midnight -- the closest to midnight since 1953.
Updated following the 2016 presidential election, The Nuclear Requiem presents an in-depth reflection on the danger nuclear weapons pose, an assessment of the current obstacles to disarmament, and a frank discussion of what it will take to overcome the roadblocks to reduce the nuclear threat.
Featured are more than three dozen top security experts and citizen activists from around the world. An original piano composition by Alain Kremski provides the background score to the informed commentary.
What is a trade war?

Trade wars are good, and easy to win' tweeted US President Donald Trump in March. Now he's showing he meant it and imposing tariffs on Chinese steel and threatening to do the same with European cars. Is a trade war looming? What exactly is a trade war?