“Big Brother” was first introduced as a character and symbol in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four as the leader of a totalitarian state where citizens are under constant surveillance by the authorities, and has since become a byword to describe abuse of government power and mass surveillance.
This week’s selected documentaries examine real life examples of “Big Brother”, exposing how people are radicalized into far-right politics, their thoughts mined for corporate profits, and their privacy invaded.
People You May Know
60 min • Politics & World Affairs, Business & Technology • 2020
#Politics #AltRight #Radicalisation
New and exclusive to iwonder this week is People You May Know, which follows Charles Kriel, special advisor to the UK Parliament on disinformation, as he uncovers how a political consulting firm is collaborating with a software company to create a micro-targeting platform for US churches.
The group is targeting and radicalising vulnerable people–the poor, the grieving, the addicted–into far-right politics with global implications.
Cracking the Code
42 min • Business & Technology • 2017
#SocialMedia #DataMining #Facebook
Facebook started out posing a seemingly innocent question–“What’s on your mind?”, but this question also unlocks the details of your life and helps turn your thoughts into Facebook’s profits. The film explores the world of social media and how your data is being mined to drive its huge success.
A must-watch for fans of The Social Dilemma.
Spy Merchants
47 min • Business & Technology, Crime • 2017
#Spyware #MassSurveillance #Privacy
Spy Merchants reveals for the first time how highly-invasive spyware which can capture the electronic communications of a town, can be purchased in a “grey market” where regulations are ignored or bypassed. Mass surveillance equipment can then be sold onto authoritarian governments, criminals, or terrorists, in illegal, multi-million dollar deals that breach international sanctions.
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